Did you know that men have a lower life expectancy than women, and are at higher risk of preventable illnesses such as diabetes, heart disease and suicide? Experts say this can be caused by a culmination of unhealthy diets, lack of proper exercise, and excessive alcohol consumption, to name a few.
The long summer months are almost behind us, and there is a feel of Autumn in the air. Along with this change of season comes some inevitable sharing of cold and flu viruses, and of course we have the new kid on the coronavirus block doing the rounds, Omicron.
Over-eating, drinking and late nights can take their toll on your body, and whilst it is certainly fun to over-indulge over Christmas, this period can make you feel bloated, overweight, tired and not feel yourself.
Stress can have many effects on the body such as suppressing the immune system and can also be responsible for the generation of free radicals, which can cause damage to DNA and other parts of human cells.
Good gut health is essential to overall health, and an unhealthy gut can cause a range of issues including bloating, gas, mood swings, diabetes, obesity, autoimmune conditions and depression.
Gluten - just about the most well known word in the health and wellness industry right now. It’s feared, but often people have no idea why, or the repercussions it can have not only on your digestive health, but also the overall functioning of your body.
My name is Lynda and I’m 68 years old, wow, that’s come along so fast. I’ve retired from the paid workforce nowdays but over the years I’ve done a variety of jobs and owned several businesses.
Winter is typically the season which sees many of us come down with a cold or flu, and as it approaches it is wise to be armed with methods to strengthen our immune system and strive to prevent such ills and chills from taking hold.