
"I have had a great experience so far, my caps turned up right in the middle of a yuck chest infection and I had finished a full round of antibiotics 7 days prior.

When it seemed like nothing had been helping, I doubled up on the immunity fuel for the first 5 days and have been taking one a day since, and within that week, I started to feel a lot better and chest clearing."

K. McNabb, Auckland


Hi Lizzie, 

Your product is AMAZING.

My fatigue has gone, I have energy to function. Muscle aches/pain hugely less.

I have a new lease of life....and have recommended to a couple of friends and my daughter. 


Nicci, West Coast


"This is my third round of taking it…I used it after a nasty experience post antibiotics.  It quickly helped to soothe my digestive system and I could resume normal life again.  I had no idea about gut issues and feel incredibly empathetic to anyone who suffers from them.  Thank the good lord for immunity fuel.  I take it everyday in the morning and trust that it is helping to support me.

Thank you for making such a wonderful product."
Emma, Northland

"I buy your product from kakariki health store in mangawahi. One of the team members told me about your product and I have been buying it ever since. Thank you for making such a wonderful product. I tell everyone that will listen. It has changed our life. So Thank you very very much!"

Tara, Mangawhai


"Immunity fuel is the first thing my four year old child and I start the day with. Of all the different things you can put in your body, this one definitely is the one that clearly makes the most difference. My child and I have been taking the gluten free powder for a long while now (several years) - it feels great knowing we are giving his system the best possible start we can offer in life. Gut health is so crucial for every other function of the body, so this will always be the first thing we prioritise each day for the long term."

A. Murphy, Queenstown


"Hi, i suffer from chronic constipation, i have tried many products, but my body seems to have trouble absorbing them, and breaking them down... Since i have been using immunity fuel, i find the constipation is way better, and it helps my digestion too, i can feel it. On the days i miss it by mistake, or if i run out, i really notice the difference. I am a naturopath, and over the years have tried many "new things on the market"... Immunity fuel is the one thing that has really helped me. Because it is pre fermented, elderly people, and people like me with compromised systems, find it really works as the pre digestion is already done and it assimilates straight into the body system.... Being natural and organic, it is the best product anybody could use. Many synthetic supplements are not so well absorbed by sensitive people.... When i first tried immunity fuel, i thought i will just use one bottle... Ive been using it ever since. If something is absorbed and assimilated by the body, and your energy is better, its worth every sent spent. Nothing is more important than our well being, if we feel good, we can cope with the struggles of life better."

J Moore, Far North, NZ


"My mother went into a rest home in 2018. From then on she started getting urinary tract infections and I was also aware she had problems with fungus. That is until we put her on immunity fuel. She went through a difficult time in the begining with feeling unwell and moodiness but from that time the infections stopped and for six months she was infection free. Then she stopped taking it and I cant remember why. She never liked taking it and so was only taking small amounts but obviously enough to maintain her immunity. Once she stopped the infections started coming back. She was put on antibiotic after antibiotic which just ran her system down further and further. Just recently she passed away and that was again from infection, this time in her chest and lungs. I cant help wonder if she had continued if it would have been the same outcome. Anyway, I highly recommend this product and know it helps, even in a place like a resthome where infections and bugs can just go from one to the next. Someone who worked at the resthome said since it has been on lockdown, with no visitors, they already notice the reduction of flu's and colds amongst the residents. I say do yourself and your family a favour and give it a go, you will notice the difference. Who knows why we live in a society where our natural bodily health and immunity systems arent enough to keep us healthy, is it all the wifi and smart meters, or un-natural lifestyles, or over-use of pharmaceuticals or is it we are just becoming or have always been the weaker species??"

KB, North Island, NZ


"Ok, so I don't write reviews for products because I never stick with things long enough but this product is amazing!!! My body feels amazing for taking it and it's now become a ritual every morning. It clears my insides out and I know my body is getting its daily boost for the day. I have no problems or reactions from taking this and added to a healthy diet my digestion is working perfectly. I've recommend this product to so many friends and family members and even people that work in the health realm. Keep up the amazing work Immunity Fuel Team!"


Melissa A, Taranaki


"I highly recommend this product to all my friends and family. Your product got me through the darkest moments of my life it helped with my recovery and I have been thinking about getting more ever since.. Headed to my local organic store today to grab some more. I am wanting my body and mind to be in its best shape possible for what's to come"

Erica Morales-Neville

"I absolutely love your product! My skin has cleared up, fewer spots and general smoothness of the skin whereas before even if I didn't have spots my skin would be bumpy. My overall energy levels have increased too, I'm more able to jump out of bed in the mornings and start my day. My PMS symptoms have decreased to very manageable cramps on my first day, whereas before I would often not be able to do anything on my first day and would usually end up in tears from the pain. And last but not least, my mood seems a lot more stable now. I would be able to go from amazing to all doom and gloom in the space of a few minutes before and now I am thinking a little bit more rationally about my emotions and can adjust my actions accordingly instead of getting caught up in them.

So thank you for making such a fantastic product!"

N. Reid, Tasman


"I have been taking I.F. as I recover from c-diff and a severely damaged gut. Even though I was only taking the supplement for a few weeks I noticed a MASSIVE difference, less bloating, no irregular bathroom visits and no adverse reactions to foods.  I stopped for 4 days from Thursday to have more testing done and noticed an immediate difference. I have since had more bloating, more irregular bathroom visits and more reactions. I can take I.F from today onwards again and I am looking forward to getting back to 'normal'. Thank you! SO MUCH! The best probiotic I have ever taken, hands down."

A Happy Customer, Auckland


"I could not speak more highly of immunity fuel. For the past year I have been having issues with bloating, gas and ongoing digestive and fungal issues. I have been on immunity fuel for around a month now and after experiencing a slight healing crisis with the detoxing of my body it is fair to say I feel the best I’ve felt in a long time. I have less bloating, less reactions to foods and am regular as clockwork. I am also a early childhood teacher so I love the fact that immunity fuel is a probiotic and multivitamin in one... so convenient and it tastes great! I have had so much more energy and just feel generally awesome all round! Thanks so much for making this product 🙌"

Suvana, Oamaru


"I was diagnosed in March 2018 with advanced liver cancer, bone cancer along with another tumour in the breast, even though I have had a double mastectomy. I am 54 years old and do not look sick. Immunity Fuel has given me energy and along with many other healthy supplements I am still outliving all expectations. I decided not to do chemotherapy but to follow a natural health diet. Thank you for making Immunity Fuel. My best description is that I wake feeling refreshed for about an hour. Then I just want to go and lie down again, a bit like a battery draining very quickly. After taking Immunity Fuel it’s like I get plugged in and away I go for the rest of the day. I started out taking an 1/8tsp as I was not sure if my liver would or could process anything. I have slowly over a month or so built this up to 2 tsp a day which I have each morning.

While I am on a sickness benefit and live on my own, I have been greatly blessed with adult children who have supported my decision not to do chemotherapy and therefore help fund my diet. While chemotherapy costs the NZ Govt $90,000 a year, there is no funding or support for people like myself who go outside the system. Please keep doing what you are doing. Many people I speak with now take Immunity Fuel as a result of seeing how well I am doing."

Anita, Hawkes Bay


"Hello Damian, just to let you know. My chronic fatigue and h pylori gone. I am now fully functioning and back at work. This is amazing to me, I was on the point of leaving work. I will always use Immunity Fuel and I recommend it.. Thank you Dawn."

Dawn, Wellington


"Absolutely love this product..my whole family including my 2 little boys take this daily..i just pop in their smoothie or pancake and they don't even notice. I feel so much better and more energy since taking this probiotic. I was so over buying lots of different supplements..it was great to find a probiotic with lots of extra goodness in it too. Highly recommend this to everyone" 😊 

Gillian, Taupo


"Would like to say Thank you to Immunity Fuel it has given me more energy, much better feeling of not feeling bloated. I have three members of my family that have started taking the product and we will continue to do so."

Glennis, Napier


I love this product!  It has totally turned around my GI tract issues…. 

Thank you!

Charlie, Nashville Tennessee


“ As a nutritionist I understand how important gut health is. I myself struggle with dairy intolerance and gluten if I have too much. Since taking Immunity Fuel I have noticed I am not up half the night with stomach pain after having dairy, and gluten is not as bad on my digestive system as it used to be. I have loved the way I’ve felt taking Immunity Fuel and I have taken many other probiotics but by far this has been my favourite and the one I’ve seen the most results with”

Danielle, Auckland


"I just wanted to let you know that I began using it when I was recovering from Pneumonia and Reflux brought on by the antibiotics I took during my pneumonia.  I believe it helped me significantly to get back to 100% health much quicker than I (and many others) thought I would.  So I am very pleased to have discovered it.  Although I am hale and healthy again, I am continuing to take it at a lower dose rate".

Lynda, Wellington


"I've been using the gluten free Immunity Fuel powder for 3 months now and it has saved my skin! Previously I battled constant skin breakouts on my cheeks, chin and jawline and after the first month of taking Immunity Fuel the breakouts started to clear. Now on month 3 and my skin is almost completely clear! I've tried countless probiotic powders in the past and none compare to the amazing effects of Immunity Fuel. I'm devoted for life! Thank you so much for creating such a clean and amazing product!"

Nicole Maree, Tweed Heads, NSW


"This stuff is powdered gold!! I've been taking this with my morning orange juice for a couple of weeks now and I have noticed so many changes that I didn't think were possible. I have had so many hormonal changes during this pregnancy and they have wrecked havoc on not only my body but my skin as well. Which of course took a huge toll on me emotionally. Since taking immunity fuel my skin has started to clear up, my energy is slowly returning,and almost all of my digestive issues/discomfort have either subsided or disappeared completely. Which in turn has done wonders for my emotional wellbeing. I can't recommend this product enough. It has become a staple in my diet and we will continue to repurchase every time we run out"

Kaz, Taupo


"I was already taking other probiotics without much improvement and was suggested by my mum to order some Immunity Fuel. I have been suffering from multiple Autoimmune diseases along with IBS for some years now with no light at the end of the tunnel. Since starting on the Immunity Fuel i have found i have more bounce in my step, i feel better and healthier. I am able to tolerate foods i wasn't able to previously. My skin has cleared up and my hair is starting to get stronger. I am getting less bloat and sleeping better. I am in absolute love ❤ Thank You"

Claire, Sydney


"I have been taking immunity fuel for the last 2 months, I definitely felt a difference after 2 weeks of being on immunity fuel-Stomach felt less bloated and over all wellbeing improved. Would highly recommend this product! I add it to my morning smoothie every morning.."

Lea, Christchurch


"I love it. I have Irritable Bowel and have not had an episode since I started taking Immunity Fuel. I was taking another probiotic previously which I thought was good, but Immunity Fuel is even better".

Tracy, Havelock North


"I'd like to tell you that after reading Lynda Castles story I thought how similar it was to mine. I had a very bad case of food poisoning over seas and your product has totally helped me recover from what became lingering consequences. I take mine with yogurt whenever I can fit it into my day. It has returned my system back to normal. I had tried a few things but nothing worked. I love that your product gave me a healthy gut and I think I'll continue with it, I feel it has an ongoing effect on my overall health. Thank you Immunity Fuel"

Jo Holmes, Highlands, Victoria


"Hey my immunity fuel is amazing, just thought i'd report back to you so worth the money ... I’m not as bloated as I can feel it is working in my gut all the time, esp after food ,, more energy ,,, digestion a lot better  "

Katrina, Oamaru


"For those who think that this product can't make that much difference  - you are wrong! I work with the general public and ALWAYS get sick at this time of year. Especially when I attend big functions. But I have found the way to fix this - just double up on my daily dosage, morning and night for the day and next day. This has meant that so far since I started taking this product in April, the most I have been 'sick' has been a little bit of a scratchy throat that night and sinus in the morning after a function and nothing after that. Previously I would be sick nearly every month.Anytime I feel I'm getting sick, I double the daily rate - no sickness, no time off work. I am so glad I found this product! Love it!"

A. Rowell, Brisbane, Qld


"Thank you for giving me my life back... ever since I had a bout of salmonella back in 1993 I have suffered with IBS, the flare ups were terrible and left me with such bad anxiety that people thought I had an eating disorder, I had tried other probiotics which often left me bloated and sick, I can't eat any sort of bean, sprout or anything with artificial sweetener so I was scared when I first put my order in, I started real slow with a quarter of a teaspoon...it's been a month I have avoided a cold and am eating with no problems and sleeping, I haven't felt this healthy in a long time thank you so much..."

Anthi, Adelaide, South Australia 


"I have been in a very stressful situation over the last 2 years which caused many problems in my normally healthy body. Severe Indigestion, bloating, lack of energy and a general feeling of being unwell. Immunity Fuel was recommended by my daughter and after only 2 months I feel that I am on my way back to good health again. I am grateful." 

Ann, Taranaki


"I have given it a good shot the last two weeks and have really enjoyed it! I find it a nice point of difference that the product contains probiotics, and whole foods together, as I don't think I have come across another similar product before like that? Re taste, I found it pleasant! I have been having it blended in smoothies, but have also had it straight in water a few times and have found it very drinkable. I am ultimately very 'food first' with my approach to nutrition, which is why I appreciated that the product is essentially food and contains easily identifiable and familiar ingredients, like oats and linseeds. How neat that it is NZ made too!"

Danjiela Unkovich
Healthy Always | healthyalways.co.nz


"Before I found Immunity Fuel I was having trouble with my digestive system and sleep. I was constantly feeling bloated and sleep was terrible with constant waking during the night. I had taken other probiotics in the past but they did not help as well as Immunity Fuel has. To alleviate the sleeplessness I had been taking sleeping pills and that is not a good solution at all. Since Immunity Fuel I now have no bloating, better health and better sleep! Also I have been very successful at warding off the dreaded winter flu so far. Normally at this point in the year I would have been sick for a couple of weeks already! This is a great product! It has more beneficial bacteria then anything on the market and it is easy to take. It tastes a little different at first but i find it a pleasant addition to my yoghurt and cold drinks. It might seem like an expensive product but you dont need to take any other supplements so in reality it is a great price product that is really easy to take."

Angelina, Brisbane, Queensland


"I am Coeliac and since I have been taking Immunity Fuel I have higher energy levels, improved sleep & I'm more regular! My general well being has improved immensely. Totally recommend the product."

Mick Taylor, Carey Park, WA


"After a misspent youth, twenties and some of my thirties, I was struggling with the effects of a poor diet and exercise regimen. Not only was I in a poor state of physical health, my mental health was beginning to suffer. This was not helped by a stressful job that didn't leave much time for proper exercise.

After meeting Cassie Brown, listening to her story and experiences, and hearing the benefits of including Immunity Fuel in my daily routine, I decided to give it a try. After a bit of discomfort over the first few days, the changes in the first 3 weeks were very apparent. My mood had lightened, I was beginning to feel less bloated and lethargic, my improved mood led to making healthy dietary and exercise choices (yes I found time for exercise) and I began to notice my stress level diminishing. There were also positive changes in bodily function (I'll let you work out what that means). Immunity Fuel, with heaps of helpful advice from Cassie, helped me back on my way to good physical and mental health.

My habits still wax and wane from time to time, but one thing is very clear to me…… When Immunity Fuel is a regular part of my daily routine I function at a far higher level physically and mentally than when I let my good habits slip….

Immunity Fuel will help you find your way to good health, and keep you there."

Ewan, Toowoomba, Queensland


"A few years ago I contracted meningitis. I beat it with the help of strong medication, but have had health issues ever since.... gluten intolerance, dairy intolerance, bowel issues, skin issues, chronic fatigue... the list goes on. About 7 weeks ago I started taking Immunity Fuel and in the past 4-5 weeks most, if not all, my health issues have literally disappeared! I'm eating gluten again for the first time in years without any negative consequence, my skin has cleared, the black circles under my eyes have gone, AND best of all I wake up with energy each day... a feeling I haven't had in a VERY long time. I'm in love with this product, thank you for creating it!"

L. Slade, Bay of Plenty


"I have been taking this for many months now and I give them to my kids too.  It keeps my family's immunity up and they get over a cold or flu very quickly that I could not stop taking them now. Both my kids go to daycare and their educators actually asked me what my secret is because everytime when there is a viral/gastro/flu/hands foot mouth disease spreading in the centre, my kids are still running around happy and healthy. If they do get hit by the spread, they got over it in less than a day. I feel that we are surrounded by so many toxins nowadays that this is a small price to pay for health. <3 Thank you Immunity Fuel Australia!"

Stephanie Yong, Sydney, NSW


"I had Gastric Sleeve surgery at the end of August, 2015. After the surgery, I struggled with eating and with nutrition. I would be lucky to eat 1/4 of a cup of food every day and some days I ate nothing. Reflux, Vomitting and Diarrhea were a daily problem, even with medication. I started taking my Immunity Fuel in the morning with my breakfast ( I added a teaspoon to my porridge of a morning, as I served it) and found that within a week, my appetite had started to improve, the issues with Reflux and Diarrhea deceased to the point where the need for medications is rare. Immunity Fuel has become a big part of my daily dietary regime".

Andrew, Brisbane


"Our whole family on and off over the last 2 years have been battling with a couple of parasites. The children in particular had terrible symptoms of diarrhoea, loss of appetite, bloating, terrible stomach cramps and a constant unwell feeling. They had rounds of antibiotics prescribed by doctors but the parasites remained. After much research I decided the only way to treat it was to hit them hard with alternative treatments and this is when I...came across Immunity Fuel. I emailed Cassie and told her about our symptoms and she told me about her personal experience with parasites after travelling. We gave Immunity Fuel a go along with kefir and a limited amount of sugar in our diets and so far the whole family no longer has symptoms. I would recommend to anyone that's been suffering from parasites to give this a go".

M.Jackson, Pottsville, NSW


"Hi Damian, I'm guessing I've been taking it for about 1 month now. I am only taking 1 tsp in the morning. It took my system a couple of days to get use to it – nothing major. So far I have noticed a considerable change. My stomach feels a lot more settled (not sure if this makes sense but it feels better on the inside!!). A huge reduction in upset stomachs which is huge for me. I guess it is a flow on effect from my stomach now absorbing things properly but have also noticed that my appetite it settling, no longer constantly hungry and I am sleeping more solidly. Also..........NO COLDS!!This product is good Damian. I will make sure that I start promoting it as much as I can.Thanks heaps for getting me onto this."

A Satisfied Client, Masterton


"Hi Damian, I was reasonably happy about my health before I came across Immunity fuel, but I thought I'd try it out to see what effect it had. I started with just 1tsp in the morning and then after a week added a 1/2 tsp in the evening. Within a fortnight I noticed that a residual inner-ear infection, that I'd suffered for 10 months, began to clear. After 6 weeks of using Immunity Fuel daily it was completely clear. Other positive effects have been a noticeable reduction in a long-standing 'natural gas' condition, and a reduction in my appetite for coffee."

Rosalie S, Thames Coast


"After 4 months of acute constipation, trying a variety of natural remedies and ultimately having to rely on laxatives and suppositories, I discovered Immunity Fuel. Since having a teaspoon a day in my morning smoothie, it's the only thing that's been keeping me regular in a natural way. I have more energy and have done away with the laxatives which is a big relief!"

Sophie, Gold Coast


"After a misspent youth, twenties and some of my thirties, I was struggling with the effects of a poor diet and exercise regimen. Not only was I in a poor state of physical health, my mental health was beginning to suffer. This was not helped by a stressful job that didn't leave much time for proper exercise.
After meeting Cassie Brown, listening to her story and experiences, and hearing the benefits of including Immunity Fuel in my daily routine, I decided to give it a try.
After a bit of discomfort over the first few days, the changes in the first 3 weeks were very apparent. My mood had lightened, I was beginning to feel less bloated and lethargic, my improved mood led to making healthy dietary and exercise choices (yes I found time for exercise) and I began to notice my stress level diminishing. There were also positive changes in bodily function (I'll let you work out what that means). Immunity Fuel, with heaps of helpful advice from Cassie, helped me back on my way to good physical and mental health.
My habits still wax and wane from time to time, but one thing is very clear to me…… When Immunity Fuel is a regular part of my daily routine I function at a far higher level physically and mentally than when I let my good habits slip….Immunity Fuel will help you find your way to good health, and keep you there."

Ewan, Toowoomba, Queensland.


"I just feel better in general that's the best way to sum it up. after the first week I started to notice feeling generally better I have been using immunity fuel for nearly two months now and I'm staying on it for sure."

Tim Haggis, Adelaide, South Australia


"Hi I just started taking Immunity Fuel about 4days ago and I can already say things are getting better and I'm drinking a lot more water too. I've bought so many other products to help but no luck I think I'm onto a good thing. Thanks"

Bonnie Baird, Melbourne, Victoria



*All of our testimonies are 100% genuine word for word and sent in by our customers.

* Individual results may vary